Challenge Workshop: MSO Tools 2014

This workshop will focus on various aspects of modeling, simulation and optimization (MSO) Tools for dynamical multi-physics systems. The aim is to bring together developers and users of MSO tools together with people working in practice. The workshop will offer the possibility for detailed discussions and the initiation of cooperations for scientists in academia and industry working on or with MSO tools. Special emphasis will be given to multi-physics applications in 
multibody systems, electrical circuits, bioprocess engineering, 
chemical reactions, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics.


September 29 - 30, 2014


TU Berlin, Germany


not needed



The presentations and discussions will cover:

  • Modeling and regularization/remodeling
  • Coupled, hierarchical and multiscale dynamical systems
  • Numerical simulation and control
  • Error control and uncertainties in numerical simulation and control
  • Software issues for MSO tools

Every talk should address the state of the art of current research as 
well as open questions and requirements for further theoretical 
research in algorithm and software development. The talks should be 
accessible to participants from different application fields.

Invited Speakers: 
Martin Arnold (Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Lorenz T. Biegler (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA)
Christof Büskens (Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany)
Jens Lang (TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany)
Christoph Nytsch-Geusen (Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany)
Martin Otter (National Aeronautics and Space Research Centre of Germany, DLR)
Oliver Röhrle (Universität Stuttgart, Germany)
Joost Rommes (Mentor Graphics, France)

Scientific Committee: 
Peter Pepper (TU Berlin)
Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin)
Caren Tischendorf (HU Berlin)
Andreas Steinbrecher (TU Berlin)


Volker Mehrmann (Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, MA 4-5)
Andreas Steinbrecher (Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, MA 4-5)

Supported by: 

This workshop is sponsored by European Research Council under the research project "Modeling, Simulation and Control of Multi-Physics Systems".

Filming and Photography: 

Photography and filming of sessions and participants will be undertaken at the workshop and may be displayed online after the event. Photos will be taken at sessions and social events and may be used in future promotional activities both print and online. If you have any concerns please speak to KoMSO staff at the workshop registration desk on site or email the KoMSO team.